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  • Tom Adam's avatar
    DEICH-6411 - Sibyl - Fixed debug config and coding error related to... · ead1ef33
    Tom Adam authored
    DEICH-6411 - Sibyl - Fixed debug config and coding error related to events/from(Start/End)Time/to(Start/End)Time sort
    DEICH-6411 - Fixed debug config and coding error
        fromStartTime and toStartTime was overwritten by the string representation of fromEndTime and  toEndTime.
        go 1.19 upgrade done.
        Fixed debug Dockerfile.
        Added path to assets as env variable.
    DEICH-6411 - TK - using start time for date sorting
        This way events on the same day show up in correct order. Otherwise, the order within a day is random.
    Finalizes DEICH-0000 - Upgraded to go 1.19
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