# Environment and Configuration
A lot of the configuration is made through setting environment variables. See the various files in folder `docker-compose` for examples.
## Env
### docker-compose.env - basic variables
KOHA_BUILD : the patched build of Koha, built in [[Patch Setup]]
KOHA_VERSION : The current tag of Koha base we build on
KOHA_IMAGE_TAG : Only used as basis for building koha_dev image [[Development Setup]]
GITREF : The git commmit ID used to identify image (locally or on Docker hub)
Only built from `master` branch
### common.yml - mysql server and data volume
We highly recommend using a separate container for mysql server and a Data volume for mysql data.
This is for persistence and mutability/separation of concerns. Which is docker basics, and a good thing.
### build.yml - the base koha setup, for production use
pulls an image from docker hub (digibib/koha:GITREF) or builds locally with `make build`
KOHA_ADMINPASS : database admin password
KOHA_ADMINUSER : database admin userid
KOHA_INSTANCE : name of koha instance
INSTALL_LANGUAGES : languages to install (space separated)
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE : default language to use
EMAIL_ENABLED : enable email sending? ("True"|"False")
SMTP_SERVER_HOST : smtp relay hostname
SMTP_SERVER_PORT : smtp relay port
ENABLE_MYSQL_TRIGGERS : enable Mysql triggers? (from files/installer/triggers)
ENABLE_MYSQL_SCHEMA : enable Mysql Schema overrides? (from files/installer/schema)
MESSAGE_QUEUE_FREQUENCY : frequency of message queue cronjob
SMS_DRIVER : SMS Driver module (must be included in code)
SMS_USER : SMS Driver userid
SMS_PASS : SMS driver password
API_PASSPHRASE : Unreadable API server secret
SIP_AUTOPASS : Default SIP user password
SIP_WORKERS : Number of SIP workers
APACHE_MINSERVERS : Number of apache server workers
APACHE_TIMEOUT : Default timeout of apache requests
APACHE_SERVER_STATUS_NET : Network range to allow access to apache Status endpoint
APACHE_REMOTE_INTERNAL_PROXY : Remote proxy of apache
PLACK_MAX_REQUESTS : Maximum concurrent requests of plack
PLACK_WORKERS : Number of plack workers
NLENABLE : Enable Norwegian Patron database?
NLBASEUSER : Userid of Norwegian Patron database
NLBASEPASS : Password of Norwegian Patron database
NLVENDORURL : Url of Norwegian Patron database
NLVENDORUSER : Vendor userid of Norwegian Patron database
NLVENDORPASS : Vendor password of Norwegian Patron database
NLVENDORKEY : Vendor key of Norwegian Patron database
PIDGEON_URL : Print notice receiver service
PIDGEON_USER : Print notice userid
PIDGEON_PASS : Print notice password
### dev.yml - development setup
sets up a koha git instance ready for development. Env vars :
AUTHOR_NAME : Bugzilla Name
AUTHOR_EMAIL : Bugzilla email
BUGZ_USER : Bugzilla userid
BUGZ_PASS : Bugzilla password |
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