To build your own modified version of Koha, the `koha-patched` environment can be used.
To use patched mode, we recommend to use docker-compose and, optionally, Makefile.
A quick setup of patched mode:
KOHAENV=patched make provision
This will spin up a `koha_patched` container that grabs a Koha release from a github tag, e.g. 16.11.04, applies all the patches in folder `koha-patched/patches`. If all succeed, Koha unit tests are run and finally debian packages are built and put in folder `koha-patched/debian`.
These files are made to be published in a debian apt repo, or they can be used locally in your build. Packages get the format:
To apply your own patches (must be named *.patch), simply replace the mounted volume/folder `${KOHAPATH}/koha-patched/patches:/patches` with your own. E.g. you have a series of patches in a subfolder `foo`, you would mount with:
... -v $(pwd)/foo:/patches ...
to watch whether it succeeds, either run in foreground (without -d) or tail logs: `docker tail -f koha_patched` |
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