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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.2.0
    4111a6e4 · Release 0.2.0 ·
    Release 0.2.0
    - services:
      - add DEIC framework to records
      - json-ld framing
    - patron-client:
      - mediatype filter
      - fiction/nonfiction filter
      - filter branches
      - available status fix
      - target audience fix
      - email login
      - styling
      - publishe rdata
      - item location
      - borrower name fix
      - publication publisher
      - reservation postition
      - reservation date
      - disable IE11 transitions
    - catalinker:
      - numerous bugfixes
      - link to patron client work
      - compositiontype
      - follows/followedby/partof
      - work types
    - koha:
      - account details mail
      - advance notices cronjob
      - SMS sender
      - send reports in cron
  • 0.2.1 Release: 0.2.1
  • 0.3.0
    ls.ext 0.3.0
    KOHA:   90437fe3ee4e3d5af59182d7f3be477940b484f4
    - patron-client:
      - add validator to firstname, add IE11 hack for firstname and lastname
      - Add proper headers for no caching to appropriate get requests
      - Use homebranch instead of holdingbranch
      - attempt at fixing closing filters when scrolling on mobile safari
      - Fix sorting on work page and related tests
      - Remove proptype from metaitem
      - Show titles in preferred languages in the search results
    - catalinker:
      - manglende_opplysninger_på_autoriteter' into develop
      - fix showing and patching of authorities connected to other authorities DEICH-425
      - number of pages as multivalue. Main title single value.
      - copy nonEditable when set to first input of blank node input group DEICH-434
      - use correct subject type when extracting fields ti show from search result  DEICH-432
      - add pluralised form of dialog message DEICH-389
      - check for existing ISBN/EAN before fetching external data DEICH-389
      -force format ISBN numbers
    - services:
      - add endpoint to find projections of resources by simple query
    - koha:
      - add framework query param to biblio CRUD
      - Add bug 17561 reserveslip fix
      - add patch to use framework in batch mod items
      - Show 'Preg brikker' button next to RFID status button
      - sync homebranch, not holdingbranch
      - Add csv headers to runreports cronjob
      - Add maxdays to longoverdue cronjob
      - Add apacheconf overrides
      - stability fixes on patron search/edit
      - default search fields
      - Add codedLocationQualifier to labelgenerator response
      - show items.location in holds queue
      - upstream changes:
  • 0.4.0
  • 0.5.0
    ls.ext release 0.5.0
    - koha:
      - add pickupnumber to reserves table, update schema and add pickupnumber trigger
      - boost starman workers
      - replacementprice for Spill
      - rewrite pidgeon service to use tempfiles
      - add itemnumber to reserveslip for correct generation
    - sip:
      - fix for missing AO in self checkout machines
      - checkin: Override current location, set to institution ID (excluding API branch)
    - patron-client:
      - update patron overview to use new pickupnumber
    - catalinker:
      - fix replacing resource DEICH-435
      - when patchcing objects, do not delete empty values DEICH-462
      - add created and modified timestamp to all authorities DEICH-433
      - map 300$a as extent or number of pages depending on mediatype DEICH-427
      - fix composition type search
    - services:
      - make publication class number searchable as 'kd' DEICH-161
  • 0.5.1 Release: 0.5.1
  • 0.5.2 Release: 0.5.2
  • 0.5.3 Release: 0.5.3
  • 0.6.0
    v 0.6.0 CHANGELOG:
    - catalinker:
      - DEICH-469_manglende_oppdatering_ved_sletting_av_opplysninger
      - DEICH-471_registrerte_opplysninger_vises_ikke_i_skjema
    - patron-client:
      - DEICH-466-validering_aarstall_registrering
      - DEICH-274 fix multiple items on profile page
      - DEICH-149: Add components for publication fields
      - DEICH-476: Remove Bjerke from dropdown
      - DEICH-445: mypage: add expected date
      - DEICH-467: Add select to change pickup location
    - services:
      - map more 300$b values to media types
  • 0.6.1
    0.6.1 CHANGELOG
    - patron-client:
      - DEICH-173: Make search less strict
      - temporarily disable due to instability:
        - DEICH-445: mypage: add expected date
        - DEICH-467: Add select to change pickup location
    - catalinker:
      - DEICH-460_erstatte_ui_blocker_med_spinnere
      - DEICH-482 fix prefilling of predefined values
      - DEICH-484: fix unwanted storing of suggested data
    - services:
      - DEICH-475: map 025$a as EAN of publication
  • 0.6.2
  • 0.6.5
    Release 0.6.5 (2016/11/30)
    6fefb28a · Merge branch 'develop' ·
  • 0.7.0
    CHANGELOG 0.7.0 (2016-12-06)
    KOHA: 3edb4bf7e759c00d98c4ded6392869c3b3814971
    - Koha:
      - Oppgradert til mainline versjon: 16.11
        slik at vi er mer i sync med koha community
      - bruk sms proxy ved utsendelse av SMS for bedre feilsøking
      - API expanded items return number of holds
      - fixes in NL sync
      - DEICH-400: automatic limit on patrons with long overdue
    - Catalinker:
      - DEICH-425: extend index mapping for work series, corporation (with place), serial (with publisher) and event (with place)
      - DEICH-497: add more fields to Serials and work series
    - Patron-client:
      - DEICH-444: show number of holds per publication
      - DEICH-303: Add logged in name to header
      - DEICH-492: Reset default messaging prefs for item_due to none
      - DEICH-498: Fix default mapping of messaging prefs
      - DEICH-501: Standard messaging prefs for new registrations
    - Services:
      - Include more media types for illustrative matter
  • 0.7.1
    0.7.1 (2016-12-06)
    KOHA: c759c872b832b5517faee92dc46a2c941dfe174c
    - Koha:
      - temporary fix for patron search result, redirect if one hit
    - Patron-client:
      - DEICH-447: suspend and resume hold
      - DEICH-337: sorting of loans
    - Services:
      - DEICH-506: use constant scoring and decrreasing boost to improve alphabetical list search
    - Catalinker:
      - DEICH-497: add partNumer and partTitle to serial mapping
      - DEICH-500: allow duration longer than 24h
      - DEICH-90: authority label templating in a more uniform fashion
  • 0.7.2
    CHANGELOG 0.7.2 (2016-12-08) bugfix
    - Infrastructure:
      - docker-compose upgrade: (1.9.0) and fixes
    - Catalinker:
      - DEICH-90: minor title fixes
      - re-introduce illustratitveMatter field appearance for media tytpe ComicBook, LanguageCourse andE-book lost in merge
  • 0.7.3 Release: 0.7.3
  • 0.7.4 Release: 0.7.4
  • 0.7.5
    42a2d3ea · Update changelog ·
    Release 0.7.5
  • 0.8.0
    CHANGELOG 0.8.0
    - Koha:
      - DEICH-514 various fixes for NL sync
      - DEICH-512 available item status update
    - Catalinker:
      - DEICH-504: New field ISSN
      - DEICH-525: New field ISMN
      - DEICH-456: work main responsibility on parts
    - Patron-client:
      - DEICH-512: correcct status on not-for-loan material issued