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  • Tom Adam's avatar
    DEICH-6373 - TK - Some search improvements, bug-fixes · c1a8766e
    Tom Adam authored
    DEICH-6373 - TK - Some search improvements, as detailed below
      **Fixed date range select**
         Uses luxon date.
         Added filtering of selected date filter (does not show up in available list).
      **Additional filtering fix**
         Previously the available branches and categories were fetched from the result aggregate. This resulted in a narrowed down category and branch selection option after filtering (i.e.: 1 item). This was changed, now all branches and all categories are visible always. Also, filters were updated not to contain already selected items.
      **Refurbished sorting**
         Made ordered sorting of multiple fields possible (index displayed in sorting header). Current sortable fields are date, title and category.
      **More component reuse**
         Both, FilterDropdown and DateRangeFilterDropdown uses EditDropDown.
         Added reusable wrapper, SortOderButton.
         Fixed `;` in webpack.config.js.
    DEICH-6373 - Added support to object typed ids (so that the component can be reused for date filtering in LibraryEventSearch)
    DEICH-6373 - Sibyl - fixed consistent sort order when multiple sort fields are defined.
        Previously a map was used, to store SortParameters, however, maps do not guarantee the retrieval order. This has cosed inconsistent behaviour as TK introduced multiple sort field option.
    DEICH-6373 - Validation framework addition - skipValidation
        If set to true, the given input component is not taking part in the validation framework. All validation setup elated error messages are suspended.
        In addition improved EditDropDown re-usability so as that it can be used in LibraryEventSearch.