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DEICH-6230 - Cover image - book

Tom Adam requested to merge DEICH-6230-bok-omslagsbilder into master

DEICH-6230 - Made mapFormat more lenient - mapping the format will only be important for discogs in the future.

DEICH-6230 - Refactoring - simplified mediaType

It is only EulerAdapter in cover harvester who knows about the different MediaType representations (MediaTypes.MUSIC_RECORDING vs. MusicRecording in Euler data).

This mapping was entirely moved to EulerAdapter (using MediaTypeConverter defined in constants.js).

Provider is not needed, since EulerAdapter can be called directly.

Data cleaning (removal og id prefix and media type mapping) all happens in EulerAdapter - from the adapter level above it is only clean and properly baked domain objects we deal with.

DEICH-6230 - ESLint/Prettier fix

DEICH-6230 - Code cleanup - Processor

DEICH-6230 - Code cleanup Removed check for a case that never occurs - fetchImageFromUrl throws error if things go banana, otherwise always returns an object.

DEICH-6230 - Typo and test timeout fix.

DEICH-6230 - Added support for book cover images from Mimir.

DEICH-6230 - Mimir BIBBI search for book cover imagesAdded support for bibbi based cover image search for books.

Multiple return type (see no.deichman.mimir.discogs.dto.Result / no.deichman.mimir.discogs.dto.SearchResponse) for /api/v2/search - the same approach that was introduced for the new FP search API.
Some API simplifications (the cover harvester invokes only one source, so no point in having sources as a List in
Smaller code improvements/cleanup.

DEICH-6230 - Improved const definition Moved declaration and usage place together. Also freezing objects - they cannot be modified by mistake.

DEICH-6230 - Renamed BS to BIBBI, removed BokBasen (BB) -Some additional small refactorings in MimirAdapter (moved sub-methods to class level as private methods).

DEICH-6230 - added common findCandidates Fetches candidates for specific media types.

DEICH-6230 - Some code improvements

Closes DEICH-6230

Edited by Tom Adam

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